Team ROW4CANCER winners of the WORLD’S TOUGHEST ROW – ATLANTIC 2024, crossing the finish line into English Harbour in Antigua as champions of the grueling 3,000-mile rowing race. The crew of Leon Koning, Tom Rijnders, Maarten Diepeveen, and Mark Slats completed the race in 37 days, 13 hours, and 20 minutes.
Picturecredits: World’s Toughest Row

Since leaving La Gomera on December 11, the Dutch rowers have been in the lead, finishing at La Antigua on January 17 at 10:18 PM (Dutch time). According to the Dutch team, this edition of the World’s Toughest Row has asked everything of the rowers: “Constant side and headwinds, extreme heat and days without wind made this tour tougher than ever before.

The team was actually aiming to break the world record, which stands at 29 days, 14 hours and 34 minutes in the four-man boat. Despite their very large lead, they did not achieve this due to the difficult conditions. Mark Slats does have the record solo (2017) and duo, in 2020 with Kai Wiedmer, to his name. Asked whether he would give it another try, Mark replied a few minutes after arriving: “Never say never. But you do need a few years in between.

With its participation, Team Row4Cancer raises money for the Princess Máxima Center. With the money raised they hope to offer better survival chances to children with cancer. The team has now raised more than fifty thousand euros. You can still donate via this link.

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